Re: dpkg: error while cleaning up
Le lundi 05 novembre 2007 à 15:20 +0100, BRIAND, Michel M a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've built dpkg on Solaris, to use it as a normal user (not-root).
> I keep having some troubles with this message during installation
> of hand-made packages (hand made software+dh_make+dpkg-buildpackage) :
> dpkg: error while cleaning up:
> failed to delete `/my/install/dir/var/dpkg/': File exists
> Installation complete but with this error.
> Should I say that I have complete ownership of /my/install/dir...?...
> Someone can point me to somewhere in the code to fix this ?
> Best regards,
> Michel
Reply to myself...
Here are the occurences of ENOTEMPTY :
src/help.c:511: if (errno != ENOTEMPTY) { /* Huh ? */
src/remove.c:251: if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) {
src/remove.c:366: if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) {
On Solaris rmdir returns EEXIST in this case.
Here we can see that the two values are permitted :
So I added :
if (errno == EEXIST)
errno = ENOTEMPTY;
before each occurence.
And it works.
Any comment ?
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