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Is dpkg not POSIX 1003.1 ustar compatible?


Regarding Bug#230910: Dpkg uses its own tar implementation when called
with the --install option. The new version of tar does no longer create
long name entries for files which fit exactly into the name field of the
tar header even if they are _not_ null terminated. So dpkg adds the file
modes to the filename resulting in weired filenames.

I don't know if POSIX allows this (non null terminated header names) but
if it does, dpkg must be fixed ASAP and tar needs to be compatible to
the broken dpkg behaviour until a stable release with the fixed dpkg. 

I did leave this bug assigned to tar because I'm not sure if this is
solely tars fault or dpkgs. And in both cases tar needs to be changed,

mail: .signature: No such file or directory

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