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CVS reorganization

Mostly important for translators: I started moving documentation
around in CVS. All manpages are moving from towards a new
man/ subdirectory. This includes all the English manpages
which are currently spread throught the various directories.

The debiandoc documentation is going to disappear and be replaced
with new docbook text. Once that is done I intend to redo the
manpages in docbook as well.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
| wichert@deephackmode.org            http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

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