Re: Perl essential ?
On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 08:06:59PM -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> Glenn, et al,
> There's perlcc, also. I advise checking it out. Be sure to `ldd' it; if it
> links against some perl .so or another, there may be a problem, but at
> least you don't have to include the interpreter in Essential in this case.
print "Hello World!\n";
[bmc@blimpo(11:01pm)-~]%l hello
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bmc bmc 444528 Mar 1 23:01 hello*
Note, that is stripped and *dynamically* linked to libperl (which means
it would be a lat larger if it was static linked). That's unsuitable for
replacing one large chunk of essential :)
/ Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \
` -- -- '
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