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Re: need HELP

Is there a way to make DPKG observe what is in the system, comparing
with careful SHA1/MD5/etc., and then announce that it must be
installed already, and put it into the dpkg system?  If not, that can
be put on to the todo list.

RedHat's RPM, by the way, does have a way to do this: you download
packages, run rpm --initdb, then do rpm -Vp *.rpm, then whatever seems
to be installed you do rpm --justdb -Up *.rpm.  -V stands for Verify,
-p stands for uninstalled package, --justdb stands for updating just
the database, not the installed files (there is also an rpm --initdb
just to start things out), -U upgrade.  This checks files against PGP
(actually, GnuPG now) signatures, md5 sums, file modification times,
and a list of other things like file size, file type, mode
(permissions), owner, group.  Discrepancies are displayed.  Improving
upon RPM, you could also check SHA1 and the other one that OpenBSD
does (I forget which one it is).

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Description: PGP signature

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