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Re: dpkg build problems on solaris

Previously Nils Lohner wrote:
> No, it worked just fine.

Because I fixed it :)

> ~ > /usr/bin/cpio
> cpio: One of -i, -o or -p must be specified.

It looks like we need to use `cpio -it'. Strange that cpio is used at
all.. it looks like dpkg-source supports cpio-sources as well.

Nils: can you try this patch:

--- dpkg-source.pl.org	Fri Nov 12 01:59:07 1999
+++ dpkg-source.pl	Mon Dec 13 15:37:18 1999
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
     if (!$c2) {
         open (STDIN,"<&GZIP") || &syserr ("reopen gzip for cpio");
-        exec ('cpio','-0t');
+        exec ('cpio','-p0t');
 	&syserr ("exec cpio");
     close (GZIP);
@@ -749,19 +749,19 @@
     $/ = "\0";
     open (CPIO, "<cpiolog");
     while (defined ($fn = <CPIO>)) {
-        $fn =~ s/\0$//;
+	chop $n;
+#       $fn =~ s/\0$//;
 	# store printable name of file for error messages
 	my $pname = $fn;
 	$pname =~ y/ -~/?/c;
 	if (! $tarprefix) {
-	    if ($fn =~ m/\n/) {
-                &error("first output from cpio -0t (from \`$tarfileread') ".
-                       "contains newline - you probably have an out of ".
-                       "date version of cpio.  GNU cpio 2.4.2-2 is known to work");
-	    }
+#	    if ($fn =~ m/\n/) {
+#                &error("first output from cpio -0t (from \`$tarfileread') ".
+#                       "contains newline - you probably have an out of ".
+#                       "date version of cpio.  GNU cpio 2.4.2-2 is known to work");
+#	    }
 	    $tarprefix = ($fn =~ m,([^/]*)[/],)[0];
 	    # need to check for multiple dots on some operating systems
 	    # empty tarprefix (due to regex failer) will match emptry string

> >Blame GNU gettext. The Makefile.in.in comes directly from the gettext
> >source and gets overwritten whenever you do gettextize I think.
> >
> Wichert already filed a bug, I think...

I did, bugnumber 52571.


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