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Bug#33086: dpkg-dev: building packages ignores $TMPDIR

"Roderick" == Roderick Schertler <roderick@argon.org> writes:

Roderick> Something in the build process (dpkg-deb, I think) is
Roderick> ignoring $TMPDIR.  I don't have much room in / (and /tmp)
Roderick> and building some of my larger packages fails because it
Roderick> fills up the partition, even though the filesystem which
Roderick> holds $TMPDIR has lots of free space.  I end up having to
Roderick> replace /tmp with a symlink elsewhere while I build these
Roderick> packages.

Hear, hear.

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\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\           And scantily clad females.       GO BLUE

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