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Bug#24714: dpkg-genchanges requires all packages listed in controlfile be built

> > dpkg-genchanges requires that all packages listed in control and
> > which it thinks are buildable on the current architecture be built.
> Which is intentional.

I figured as much, and I do agree that it generally seems to be a good 

> > This is not ideal, since it requires either editing of the control
> > file for most (all?)
> No, not all, most (?) know which architectures to build libc5-compat
> libraries on (see any of mine).

I guess I've just been unlucky lately then (and they do know, they just 
don't reflect that knowledge in their control file).

> > sources which generates libc5-compat libraries or editing of
> > dpkg-genchanges to not complain about the missing packages.
> The correct thing to do here is fix the packages which are building
> libc5-compat packages on architectures which don't want them.

The building part has already been taken care of for most packages, but the control file still says Architecture: any for the one's I've run in to lately. To fix it, one would need the exhaustive list of all architectures that want libc5-compat (i386 and m68k?). An any except theses architectures notation would be handy (since you generally know about the architecture(s) you are building for and not about the others).

Then there is X, which, apart from generating libc5-compat stuff, has a bunch of binary packages that get generated on most, but not quite all, architectures (sparc doesn't get xext for example).

Any chance of making it a warning until more packages are caught up with the change?

 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | iko@netg.se
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
http://www.netg.se   |                              | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40

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