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Re: buster and the release notes

Dear all,

As we're getting closer to the buster release, I'd like to discuss some
open items in the release notes. There are currently 12 items in the
condition="fixme" state, of which 5 I need help with right now (I'll
remove some of the other fixme's as they are either double or not

1) in issues.dbk there is a choice to be made about if there are actions
to do after running $(apt full-upgrade) before the next reboot. I don't
know of any issues, but I don't dare to choose yet without feedback.

2) in issues.dbk there is a list of removed packages. However, the
instructions aren't clear to me of how to create such a list. The
alternative lists too many packages that also weren't in the stretch, so
that makes spotting the right ones rather tedious. And how to spot the
"known and noteworthy" ones? Does anybody know "the proper way"?

3) in upgrading.dbk there is a section about aptitude. It feels really
outdated as since 2010 we recommend updating with apt(-get). I never
used aptitude, is this section still relevant and up-to-date?

4) in upgrading.dbk there was a note saying "need to be reviewed with
information from
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=571255"; in the section
about kernel upgrades. That bug was about udev issues in squeeze. Does
that bug still use interesting knowledge to improve the notes of that

5) in whats-new.dbk there isn't much exiting for buster. Don't we have
nice new things?


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