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4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research
Bug#797883: marked as done (release-notes: Wheezy to Jessie: in Squid helper name changes break configuration)
Bug#797883: release-notes: Wheezy to Jessie: in Squid helper name changes break configuration
Bug#799153: release-notes: title and chapters of english document are gibberish
Debian Project Leader
Homologacao Trabalhista = Arbitragem
Inhaltlicher Fehler in Dokumentationsabschnitt 4.4 entdeckt
r10984 - /manuals/trunk/Makefile
Updating pot (and po) files for debian-faq and debian project-history
The last update was on 06:30 GMT Sun May 24. There are 15 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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