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Re: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/users-guide/

[Hi list: post here is notify of response. perhaps some of the below useful
for debian documentation links?]

Hi Mike.

You can start with these, and click around:



And you can search for things like:

  - shell tutorial
      [interesting result:
  - shell scripting tutorial
  - bash scripting tutorial
  - linux tutorial
  - debian tutorial
      [interesting results:
  and even
  - unix tutorial
      [interesting results:
        The Unix Programming Environment, 
          by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, 
          Prentice-Hall, 1984.

        ...and that was just some of the first google page of about 456,000 
          matches! you're in -damn- good hands!
  since debian is a linux is a unix work-alike.
  note: I tried every one of these searches, with spectacular results 
    for each.

at a web search engine like http://www.google.com/ or yahoo or whatever.

All of the above will work with plain text; X is optional but in -no-
way is it necessary. Everything you learn can be done in plain text
mode. Pretty much, the only assumption I have made in this response
is that you are computer literate (turn computer on, shutdown properly,
can read and attempt to understand error messages, can read reference
material). The important thing is that you take things in in -small-
pieces, actually try each piece, and think about the result you get.


On Thu, 16 May 2002 13:59:43 +0100
"Dupont, Michael" <michael.dupont@mciworldcom.de> wrote:

> Dear Sirs, 
> the http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/users-guide/ is not available...
> Can you provide a list of good starting places for beginnners with debian
> linux?
> Thanks,
> mike

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