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Linux documentation wiki

       (apologies for cross-posting; linuxdoc != debiandoc)

As an experiment, I have made a reader-editable wikified version of the
HOWTO which I (allegedly :) maintain, at:


This is what used to be known as the Distributions HOWTO -- now
re-defined to include only English language GNU/Linux distributions on
CD-ROM -- and a total pig to maintain.  (Having seen how fast
distributions come and go these days, I now know why esr was so glad
to give it up.)
Hence the wikified version.  (More hands make light work.  Ha!)

I would greatly appreciate it if knowledgeable readers would go in and
correct the booboos; add details of distributions I've missed (there's
even a blank template to copy from to help you); and generally help with
keeping this pig of a HOWTO more up-to-date than I've been able to do
so far on my own.

All amendments will be fed back into the semi-static sgml version held
and published by the LDP.  As it stands at the moment, there is no
automated procedure to take the wiki text and process it to sgml markup
(and probably never will be) -- so updates to the sgml version will
always lag behind the online wikified version somewhat.

All collaborative help appreciated.

Martin Wheeler <mwheeler@startext.co.uk> [gpg:1024D/01269BEB 2001-09-29]
   /debian/     msw <msw@startext.co.uk> [gpg:1024D/8D6B948B 2001-07-04]

PS -- apologies to any pigs who may be offended by my porcist attitudes.

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