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Re: Wiki-based documentation project

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Morten Hustveit wrote:

> I am concidering setting up a service similar to Wikipedia, where users can
> freely add and modify documentation about the Debian project.

Excellent idea!

I am firmly convvinced that the Wiki approach will nullify many of the
problems that Debian doc is experiencing at the moment -- principally,
moot 'ownership' of documents, update, maintenance and review -- to the
benefit of all users and readers.  The current organisational structure
simply doesn't suit modern methods of composition and review, where the
many replace the one -- despite David's superhuman efforts to drag it
all sideways to fit.

Go for it.

> I guess the fact that it is so easy to make additions and modifications to
> the pages, will encourage many people to contribute.  It sure will encourage
> many people to try to spoil the pages too

In my personal experience, not anywhere near as bad as you might expect.
(Whatever offline backup solution is chosen will be needed though, if
only for archival purposes.)

> suitable license for this project would probably be the GNU Free
> Documentation License.

Yes.  Even better would be a license which abandons the idea of
individual authorship entirely, in favour of group authorship.

>  I would hope this could be an official part
> of Debian, hosted by the Debian Project at doc.debian.org or similar.

I would suggest that to avoid confusion / conflict(?) / overlap with
debdoc, stress the differentiating 'Debian __Encyclopaedia__ aspect.

And of course, it must be widely known and quickly and easily accessible
for anyone searching for information on Debian documentation.  This
means _at least_ an offical pointer from the Debian site.

It could even be the 'Debian' entry for the SuperLinux Encyclopaedia :)

Martin Wheeler <mwheeler@startext.co.uk> gpg key 01269BEB @ the.earth.li

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