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Re: *** [maint-guide-publish] Error 2

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 11:22:24PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > You should really apply as developer, if you haven't already.
> Not yet.  I had a package (printtool) which somehow ended up my name as
> a maintainer.  I was a patch provider to the upstrean, i.e., RH too.

You don't need the package, you can join as the maintainer of the reference.

> In some sense, some skill to package and understanding of how Debian
> works acted as a good screening to maintain technical competence level of
> people.  

Not really. I've seen people package trivial stuff from the start and never
do anything technically competent for the rest of their maintainership days.

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