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Re: /doc layout in ftp.debian.org [was: Documentation provided in the Woody CDs (should be fixed)]

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 07:35:48PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> I think it you'd get things done much faster if you made a new doc/
> directory yourself (on auric possibly) and described changes you did in a
> concise manner. An FTP admin could then quickly review it, have it approved
> in the group, and move it over to the live tree.

	Ok. I will do this tonight. I will be out for a few hours (giving
wedding invitations to my friends :) 
	I have started some work at auric.debian.org:/home/jfs/doc/,
please read the README-en.txt file if you have some time and make
suggestions (if any)

> This was the FTP admins have to read a 154 line message and find a bunch of
> a bit vague issues... I wouldn't be surprised if they just gave up halfway
> through :)

	Well. Fortunately you didn't. In any case, just to be sure. ¿Is
there anything automatic that publishes the DDP manuals to the FTP server?
Reading http://www.debian.org/doc/docpolicy one would think that they
should have the same layout. However, if this layout is convenient for WWW
publishing (since content negotiation takes care of presenting the proper
document to users) it is not so for FTP/CD stuff since the user has to
browse the files/directories himself (too many clutter to find out
documents on his own language).



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