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Re: 'howtos' package : potential update-volunteer

i get the impression you and i are like-minded, but
you have more focus and more tangible goals.

i hope you're getting some feedback by some debian
authorities. looks like you could be an asset to
their (our?) team.

i'm rather new here, myself, having started installing
slink in march of 2000. so this missive barely counts
for anything significant, debian-wise. :)

i've volunteered to examine the debian website, and
finally managed to download all the *wml source,
but ran into a few obstacles:
	1) time
	2) technical know-how to make changes & re-make the pages
	3) anticipate a lethargic and laborious committee-like 
	   'approval' process to any changes i suggest.

so i'm thinking that maybe a 'debian newbie' site of our
own would be a better idea, and maybe we can get them to
link to it from their home page.

if we play politics right, maybe we can have them get their
nameserver to point to us as 'newbie.debian.org'...

if we can help the folks, fresh from the mac and windows,
get up and running on debian, the world will become A Better
Place, no question about it.

but what an uphill climb, the way things are now-- it still
feels, at times, as though i've been thrown into a slippery, wet
dungeon, blindfolded:

Q -- which program do i use to send email?
A -- 'mutt', obviously. everyone equates 'dog' with 'messages'. duh.

Q -- someone said i need an MTA. why does 'man mta' not show it?
A -- RTFM or go back to your mac.
Q -- but i was *looking* for TFM. where is it?
A -- 'man exim', don't you know anything?
Q -- sorry to disturb you, wise one. i'll go bother the slackware folks.

Q -- how do i edit a perl script?
A -- everybody knows 'vi' or 'emacs', come on!

Q -- when i try to launch 'X' i get nothing...?
A -- are you entering just 'X'? no, dummy, you hafta use 'startx'.

Q -- when i used 'alien' to get a RPM to work...
A -- why would you do that? use 'apt'.
Q -- huh? the docs all said 'dpkg' or 'alien' for non-debian...
A -- that's old, get the new docs.
Q -- care to tell me where they are?
A -- put x, y and z into your sources.list.
Q -- sources.list? what's that? what do i do with it?
A -- 'man sources.list'
Q -- cool, a manpage for a plain file? when did THAT start? ...

getting from the questions to the answers is an ordeal!

keep talking... someday SOMEONE will hear us!

Their is five errers in this sentance.

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