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Re: Debian FAQ question/error

On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 06:09:48PM +0100, Vincent Vangoethem wrote:
> In the Debian FAQ last version
> (http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/debian-faq-12.html#ss12.5) it is written
> "The configuration file for init (which is /etc/inittab) specifies that
> the first script to be executed should be /etc/init.d/rcS".

Correct. Our /etc/inittab (used with sysvinit package) says:

# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
# This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode.

> A older version of this FAQ (aug-96, see
> tell: "The
> configuration file for init (which is /etc/inittab) specifies that the
> first script to be executed should be /etc/init.d/boot"

That was right, at that time. It seems pretty obvious that you can't rely on
obsoleted versions of a document to be accurate.

> In another (paper) document, I read it is the file "/etc/rc.d/rc.S".

There is no such directory /etc/rc.d on Debian systems (at least with
sysvinit package installed).

> - choose the right versions

There might be differences in the approach, and filenames, when using
different boot mechanisms, such as the one in our file-rc package.
However, I think most people use plain sysvinit method.

> - tell me more: from which Debian version it has changed

The changelog for sysvinit version 2.72, dated Sun, 12 Oct 1997 17:20:17 +0200,

  * Split up /etc/init.d/boot into seperate files in /etc/rcS.d

I guess that's the date, then. The Debian GNU/Linux release which included
this change was 2.0 ("hamm").

> - is /etc/init.d/boot the old name of rcS ?

AFAICT that is not completely true.

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

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