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Re: sys_vm86

Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Robin Burgener <robinb@corel.CA> writes:
> > Can someone give me a code snippet for using sys_vm86; the documentation
> > is a little lacking.  When I get a chance, I'll even write some
> > documentation for it.
> I don't understand what exactly you are talking about... what is
> sys_vm86?
> --
> .....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

Should be vm86, sys_vm86 is inside the kernel.

vm86 is suppose to be a way of executing "real mode" code from protected
mode.  This *should* allow a Linux process to access Video BIOS
functions.  In reality, the sys_vm86 call appears to be broken, or
atleast not what it claims to be.  I have found several sources for
information about and I am on the right track (I hope ;-)   When I get a
chance, I'll publish some documentation and a library for using vm86
mode under Linux.

  Robin Burgener / Linux Kernel Group / COREL Corporation
  20Q: http://come.to/20q or

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