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new release of debiandoc-sgml with increased i18n support


I just uploaded a new relase of the DebianDoc-SGML package. Besides
some bug fixing the following have been done:

 - reorganization of the i18n data directory structure mimicing the
   structure under /usr/share/locale to support languages with more
   than one country and/or more than one character encoding
 - adding all the available missing i18n data (thanks to the various
   contributors!) (not all supported language are complete yet)
 - adding a command line option (-l) to indicate the locale, thereby
   overruling the LANG environment variable (not properly documented

The next step is to reimplement the i18n data using Locale::Maketext.
This allows for a context driven translation instead of the 1:1 used
now.  I've also hold on to adding the <translator> tag until this is
done, since that will definitely not work on a 1:1 translation basis.

In the mean time please try all the new translations and send me any 

Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: avrangel@flevonet.nl, ardo@debian.org
home page:  http://www.tip.nl/users/ardo.van.rangelrooij
PGP fp:     3B 1F 21 72 00 5C 3A 73  7F 72 DF D9 90 78 47 F9

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