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Re: Re^2: Debian Metadata Proposal -- draft rev.1.4

On Tue, Jul 07, 1998 at 08:57:00PM +0100, Marco Budde wrote:
> Am 07.07.98 schrieb apharris # burrito.onshore.com ...
> APH> Not marked up at all, although it could be indicated as charset in the
> APH> format field.  Do we need to encode the charset?
> No, every language should be allowed to use only one know charset. In a  
> lot of cases it#s not possible to show several different char sets on one  
> page.

uh, this wasn't about multiple languages in one document (although this
should be possible at will --- again you are objecting against reality here).
Currently we don't have any language support in the metadata.
> This will be a real problem for dhelp. You can I display the description  
> of English and Chinese documents on one page? Does anyone has experiences  
> with that?

I would recommend to ask on the debian-jp list.


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