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Re: debstd trouble with multi-binary package

Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> As the author of one of those documents, (Will Lowe is the other but I
> don't know if he is still working on it.) I agree completely.  I no longer
> use debstd in my own packages and don't recommend it to others.
> Since around February off and on, I've been working on a revised edition
> which would be debhelper based and much more ambitious in scope. 
> Unfortunately I didn't reckon with the hell which is Y2K taking over all
> my spare time at work.  When I did get a little time to work on debian
> stuff, I unwisely let my self get sidetracked into debianizing TWIN. 
> But really really soon now, there will be an update.  I promise :-)

Great. If you have techical (or philosophical) questions about debhelper, ask

see shy jo, debhelper author

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