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Re: DDP webpages now at www.debian.org

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
> Adam P. Harris wrote:
>> Basically, that's all it would take, AFAIK.  Thoughts?
> It looks good.

>> Oliver, I could whip this up into a little DDP statement.  This in
>> conjunction with CVS setup instructions would make a nice little
>> "process" document.

> Take a look at the DDP webpages.  I've added a page on CVS access.
> I assume you'd alter that to suit.

> It's at <http://www.debian.org/~elphick/ddp/cvs.html>

Missed that!

I notice that you have two different trees, one for HTML
(HTTP_ROOT/manuals.html) and one for SGML (ddp/manuals.sgml).  Is this
wise?  How are you going to copy files over?  Should I add to my DDP
integration spec the fact taht you need a 'make install-ddp' or
something rule?  Personally, I think it would be easier if the web
tree and the cvs co tree were the same, and not different.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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