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Re: debstd trouble with multi-binary package

> Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:
> > On Mon, 6 Jul 1998 treacy@debian.org wrote:
> > > If someone writes a tutorial on using debstd, I will put it on
> > > the Developer's Corner and put notes next to the pages you mention
> > > stating that their use is not recommended (many people won't know the
> > > word depricated :).
> > 
> > Isn't it deprEcated?
> Yes.  And James, didn't you mean "if someone writes a tutorial on
> using debhelper" ?  We already have *two* tutorials describing
> debstd/debmake (they're connected, aren't they?).
What is it, beat up on Jay day? Ok, I mispelled one word and wrote
debstd instead of debhelper. So shoot me.

Jay Treacy

P.S. Yes, I did intentionally spell one word incorrectly in this reply.

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