Re: Debian Metadata Proposal -- draft rev.1.4
On Fri, Jul 03, 1998 at 08:46:19PM -0400, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> Minuses:
10) No way to deal with conflicting informations, and it is hard to achieve
backward compatibility and still introducing new features.
Adam, I find your proposal very good. I still have to understand some of it,
but I think it points in the right direction. I am and was sick the last
days (got a cold), so my participation is low but rising, as I was busy
laste week but now I have more time.
Expect some input from me later today or monday.
Marco, I find your way to turn other people's work down distracting. I found
Adam very responsive to constructive and good ideas and critics. He is one
of the hard-workers, and does not hide anything. It is just so that you can't
discuss about every sentence before you put it in a proposal.
Thank you,
"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god." Debian GNU/Linux finger brinkmd@
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