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Re: Documentation co-ordinator

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
> treacy@debian.org wrote:
> All of the documentation on the webpage is currently outside the DDP; we
> will need to get its various authors to co-ordinate with us.  Ideally, this
> would involve their putting it into DDP's cvs repository.

I think forcing maintainers to build docuemntation out of your
particular CVS area is not giong to fly.  Doc-base, for instance,
where the Metadata policy is, is maintained on its own area
:ext:<user>@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/doc-base/.  You should be flexible
enough to allow this.

> There are the packages: doc-debian (Santiago Vila), doc-linux (Dirk
> Eddelbuettel), debian-policy (orphaned, but probably the Technical
> Committee), packaging-manual (orphaned), developers-reference (orphaned).
> These appear to be the only ones (apart from the non-English documentation
> packages) that contain documentation that is not specific to a software
> package.

sgml-base has our SGML "subpolicy", which does have some status as
policy.  It's not associated with any particular software pkg.  But I
don't want to distract you from organizing our current admin and user
manuals, which I agree should be your top priority.

> The orphaned packages are those previously maintained by Christian Schwarz.
> Would someone like to take them on?

I think I might take developers reference, as if I didn't have enough
to do.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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