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Re^2: future development of doc-base

## Nachricht vom 06.04.98 weitergeleitet
## Ursprung : doc-debian # lists.debian.org@243:9000/0
## Ersteller: Marco Budde@243:1000/1.15

Am 05.04.98 schrieb jim # jimpick.com ...

Moin Jim!

JP> Looks pretty good - I agree with the concept - we definitely need this

I don#t think so. I think it#s a very bad idea, to convert the documents  
on the user#s PC. This is very slow and produces in a lot of cases  
unacceptable results.

I would suggest the following:

  * the conversion is done by the package maintainers
    this is fast and produces better results

  * html documentation is registered to dhelp/dwww

I don#t see a reason to convert the documentation on the fly (or should we  
compile all program packages on the user PC?).

JP> >   3. We'd have to define a common "directory" structure for the online
JP> > menus. Currently, dhelp and dwww/menu use different structures, which is
JP> > unacceptable.
JP> Agreed.

Right, let#s start with this. I would suggest something like the .dhelp  
file of dhelp (we have already translations to French, German, Italian,  
Spanish). Maybe we should add additional (sub-)sections.

JP> I've already agreed to put support for .dhelp files into it.  I'm
JP> majorly slow at doing anything though.

I#ve thought about dwww on holiday. If you#re interested, I could write a  
small Perl script for package maintainer to produce a dwww file from a  
dhelp file. This is really no big problem.

JP>   2) Scan the hard drive periodically looking for new packages, which

This is a real problem of dwww. This is slow and the index is always out  
of date.

JP> The issue that ps or pdf documentation raises for me is that it is
JP> typically not needed to be stored on the hard drive (unless there is
JP> no other alternative for online documentation).  It usually only
JP> needs to be converted so it can be printed, then the rendered format
JP> is no longer needed.

I#ve already suggested a solution for this problem: the maintainer  
produces a ps version and we will offer this file not as debian but as  
gzip package on our ftp server/cd.
This is the best and fastest method.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.de           Fido: 2:240/5202.15
Mailbox: mbudde@hqsys.antar.com    http://www.tu-harburg.de/~semb2204/

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