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Re: debiandoc-sgml wants to go international

**On 02 Mar, AVR (Ardo van Rangelrooij) wrote:
AVR>## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
AVR>## please translate the second column
AVR>Although I probably could do German and French myself, I rather have
AVR>the opinion of an expert. 

There was already the french translation in my i18n patch... No?

If not, you can use this:

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%lang = (
        'Copyright Notice' => 'Copyright',
        'Copyright' => 'Copyright',
        'Abstract' => 'Résumé',
        'abstract' => 'résumé',
        'toc' => "Table des matières\n",
        'Contents' => 'Table des matières',
        'next' => 'suivant',
        'back' => 'précédent',
        'footnotes' => 'notes de bas de page',
        'chapter' => 'chapitre'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------


       Christophe Le Bars - clb@alcove.fr - clebars@debian.org 
           Utilisez Debian! - http://www.teaser.fr/~clebars
            Linux dans l'entreprise - http://www.alcove.fr

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