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Re: Topics from: http://pcheise1.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/~schwarz/debian-doc/topics.html

Hi Craig!

The web page ist not completely up-to-date :-) I think we already have a
consensus about shipping a HTML version _and_ a SGML version in the doc
packages. This would allow using the HTML version without any compilation
(which would take some time on slow computers and which would require
installation of a few other packages like debiandoc-sgml, etc.).

On the other hand, it will be possible to create PostScript/text/etc.
documents on demand (provided that the necessary packages are installed).

However, there are lots of other major and minor aspects which have not
been decided yet. Unfortunately, this highly interfers with other policy
discussions (about non-English documentations, for example) so we have to
take all these topics into account at the same time.

I'll try to summarize the current status in a few days...

Stay tuned,


(Which part are you referring to with `but am willing to help..' ? I mean,
would you like to help with the technical implementation of how documents
get installed, compiled, etc.? I'm still looking for a volunteer for
that since I don't have enough time right now to do this myself.)

--                  Christian Schwarz
                   schwarz@monet.m.isar.de, schwarz@schwarz-online.com
                  schwarz@debian.org, schwarz@mathematik.tu-muenchen.de
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