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Re: Ignoramus' Guide to Deb-Make

On 9 Nov 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	But you can't convince either side with mere words ;-) Maybe
>  this contention should merely be documented and left alone?

Fair enough.  This is the current description of debmake on page 1.

This is a higher level set of tools for creating Debian packages.  You
don't really need it create a package but I recommend it.  It makes the
whole process tremendously easier especially for beginners.  we will be
using debmake to create our example package.

I'll change it to this:

This is a higher level set of tools for creating Debian packages.  You
don't really need it create a package but I recommend it.  It makes the
whole process tremendously easier especially for beginners.  Some people 
think it is too inflexible and hides too much from the programmer.  We
will be using debmake to create our example package but if you find you
are running into problems with your own packages because of debmake, use
another method instead of trying to shoehorn yourself into the debmake way
of doing things.

Sound good?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com>

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