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Re: SPARC & Debian

This is a question for debian-users, not debian-doc, btw.

"Bau, Flavien" <fbau@us.infogrames.com> writes:

> I have a bunch of Sun Sparc server, and I need to use them for
> mission critical applications because I have no a lot of budget to
> buy new hardware.
> I' m looking for the best distribution for this architecture. The
> one which is most likely to stay, and which will evolve.

Since Debian is run by a volunteer community and is the largest free
software project in the world, I doubt Debian will ever go away.

> Do you plan to release you next version, with kernel 2.6 on SPARC
> architecture.

Well, the next release (debian 4 I think, aka "sarge") is probably
still a year away, it's hard for us to say.  I'm sure we'll release
with the latest stable, proven kernel at the time when the freeze

Anyhow, one thing to remember, whatever we release with, it's easy to
upgrade to any kernel while running Debian.  The only time it matters
is when you have to install and use the kernels we have available.  My
understanding of the completely new installation system which will
premier with sarge is that it will be rather easy to replace the

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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