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Re: finally end single-person maintainership

On Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 06:37:23PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> - I very much dislike git-buildpackage, too much magic. I try to avoid it
>   where I can.

We still like those VCS-in-VCS workflows over everything else.  Those
debian/patches, where you need to call something special and can't just
re-use upstreams CI tests.  And which conflict outside of git with the
next upstream version.

I just stopped that and use git alone.

> - I also think disallowing single-person maintainership would be very unwise,
>   though I agree team maintenance in general is probably better than
>   single-person maintainership. Still disallowing single-person maintainership
>   doesnt make a team and motivation lost is often motivation lost forever.

What would that even mean?  What is a team anyway?


Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!

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