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Re: proposal: dhcpcd-base as standard DHCP client starting with Trixie

Am 19.06.23 um 21:05 schrieb Luca Boccassi:
On Mon, 19 Jun 2023 at 18:21, Philipp Kern <pkern@debian.org> wrote:

On 2023-06-19 14:37, Luca Boccassi wrote:
The advantage of doing that is that it's what Ubuntu does IIRC, so
there will be extra pooling&sharing of resources to maintain those
setups, and the road should already be paved for it.

I am not sure if I have seen this play out in practice[1].
Ubuntu^WCanonical has been doing its own development in this space as
well with netplan. Ubuntu will continue to do its own fixes to glue
things together.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

[1] With notable exceptions like doko maintaining the toolchain - and
I'm sure I'm not crediting everyone. But that's also explicit package

I've been working for a long time with many Canonical engineers,
happily and fruitfully, to the benefit of both Debian and Ubuntu, so
my experience is quite different. This includes the developers working
on src:systemd.

As the maintainer of Netplan and (soon to be [1]) DD, I have a strong interest in this topic. I agree, going with systemd-networkd on servers and NetworkManager on desktops, the pooling & sharing of resources between Debian and Ubuntu will be a win-win situation!

Netplan allows seeding and configuration for both of those tools and is already being used in Debian cloud-images for this purpose. All while keeping full flexibility to use the underlying tool's native config files in addition to Netplan's YAML. E.g. /etc/netplan/*.yaml will generate configuration in /run/systemd/network/... and/or /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/... while /etc/systemd/network/... and /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/... are still there for native or override configurations.

I think we shaped up the Netplan package in Debian [2] pretty nicely in the recent 1-2 years, e.g. having extensive autopkgtest coverage. Last but not least, at the Netplan project we're happy to help out with any rough edges that Debian might run into, as we might have already seen those in Ubuntu and of course we're also open for contributions!


[1] https://nm.debian.org/process/1180/
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/netplan.io

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