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Re: RFC: advise against using Proton Mail for Debian work?

> b) Proton Mail are active members of the OpenPGP ecosystem and are doing
> good work in trying to improve it's usefulness and usability. I have no
> reason to object to their use within Debian, as long as upload keys are
> not stored there.

I agree with this. If one uses a different key, maybe signed with the upload 
one, I'm not opposed to proton mail being used.

As long as it's not used for uploads or votes, for regular mailing list it can 
be ok I think.

Salvo Tomaselli

"Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di
senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
                -- Galileo Galilei


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