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Re: Bug#1053165: ITS: nunit

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 03:45:14PM +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On September 28, 2023 3:22:20 PM UTC, Bastian Germann <bage@debian.org> wrote:
> >Okay.  What do you suggest for "team maintained" packages where there is
> >no active team member?  File MIA processes for each of the uploaders? 
> >And then?  The MIA team's bugs are not RC bugs, so you cannot even NMU
> >them based on the MIA bug.
> >
> >I think, just letting such packages rot for one or two decades does not
> > help anybody, certainly not our users.
> Any team member can orphan the package.

A team with 99 MIA members one active is not the problem here.
But we have oh so many packages where the whole team is gone.

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ ᛊᚨᚾᛁᛏᚣ᛫ᛁᛊ᛫ᚠᛟᚱ᛫ᚦᛖ᛫ᚹᛖᚨᚲ

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