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Re: autodep8 test for C/C++ header

On martes, 8 de agosto de 2023 04:50:04 -03 Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Hi Sune,
> On Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 06:46:38AM -0000, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > I don't think this is a important problem that some headers might have
> > special conditions for use. I'd rather have our developers spend time
> > fixing other issues than satisfying this script.
> A while ago, I've performed a similar analysis for Python and given my
> experience there, I disagree with you here. As far as I understand both
> you and Peter, you argue that such an autodep integration would fail for
> some package for various (valid) reasons. What Benjamin seems to propose
> is adding support for an automated check that is opt-in (not opt-out).
> As a developer, you have to explicitly enable it in order to use it.
> Given the numbers presented by Benjamin and the examples presented by
> both Peter and you, I expect that Benjamin's script would just work for
> at least half of the packages. And for those where it just works, I see
> it as a useful safety measure.
> > Is it a problem that Qt -dev packages also ships windows, mac or android
> > specific addons headers? I don't think so. Rather the opposite. When
> > doing cross platform work, it is nice that grepping across the includes,
> > I also see some of the platformspecific functions in separate files.
> > 
> > Is it a problem that a header file is also shipped that provides
> > integration with other-big-thing but 99% of developres/downstream users
> > don't care about and no Depends is in place? I don't think that's a
> > problem. I'd rather have the header available for the 1% than having to
> > create an extra -dev package just for that.
> > 
> > Debian development resources is a finite resource, so let's not waste
> > it.
> This goes both ways. The team at Canonical is currently dealing with
> lots of failures that are tangential to time64. Let's not waste their
> time either. I'm experiencing a similar issue with my work on
> /usr-merge. In order to complete that transition in a safe way, I need
> file conflicts to be precisely declared, but people frequently introduce
> new ones and some even argue about their severity. That's also "wasting"
> my time.
> So from my point of view, we need to strike a balance here. Benjamin is
> offering an opt-in tool to reduce his waste time. Having half of the
> packages opt into it, would already reduce QA work significantly, so
> that sounds like a very good measure to me.
> Can we agree on moving forward with this while not forcing it onto each
> and every package?

I can definitely agree with this as long as it's an opt-in. In fact it could be 
useful to run it from time to time or even have a way to say "run but ignore 
this or that case". Of course this might be trickier: it is totally possible 
for a header to declare conditional includes depending on the platform.

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