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Re: debci / salsa ci: support for qemu runner

On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 06:02:26AM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 09:37:35PM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> > For ci.d.n, the issue is not money, but the required work to integrate it
> > into the infrastructure. We need volunteers (or pay people to do the work),
> > but unless they can and want to figure out everything from source [1], the
> > bottleneck remains that the current volunteers would need to help those
> > people understand the setup and guide them coming up with good solutions.
> I second this on another level. While the lxc backend is exercised very
> often, the qemu backend evidently experiences rare use. The default
> --ram-size is 1G and that happens to be too little for a number of
> packages already. This soon will be configurable (#1037245). I expect
> that there are more aspects where qemu and lxc differ in a way that
> causes test failures as most of the existing tests only ever ran on lxc.
> Some of these aspects will have to be fixed in tests, but others (like
> the --ram-size) will need addressing in infrastructure. Please expect
> more work in this area.

FWIW, the debci codebase has gained support for specifying a backend on
a per-package basis, so we will be able to switch packages one by one,
and only the ones that really need (and/or benefit from) running on

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