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Re: chromium: Update to version 94.0.4606.61 (security-fixes)

Thanks for testing! Are you doing this under sid?

On 1/3/22 7:39 AM, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Sun, Jan 02, 2022 at 06:53:52PM +0100, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
the v96 branch of https://salsa.debian.org/dilinger/chromium
FWIW, I'm trying to build it myself as well
Here it started chrashing as soon as I tried to open a new tab, and
after that it refuses to load my main profile (but it loads others).

Here is what it prints on the console:

mattia@warren /tmp % chromium
[3249439:3249439:0103/133254.120313:ERROR:power_monitor_device_source_stub.cc(11)] Not implemented reached in virtual bool base::PowerMonitorDeviceSource::IsOnBatteryPower()
[3249485:3249485:0103/133254.419923:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(457)] Passthrough is not supported, GL is desktop, ANGLE is
[3249485:3249485:0103/133254.445016:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(376)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[3249439:3249468:0103/133258.019370:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(226)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking Bluetooth availability started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[3249439:3249468:0103/133258.020176:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(229)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking Bluetooth availability ended.
[3249439:3249468:0103/133258.020199:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(232)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking default browser status started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[3249439:3249468:0103/133258.284415:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_metrics.cc(236)] crbug.com/1216328: Checking default browser status ended.
[3249439:3249439:0103/133259.591406:FATAL:accessibility_paint_checks.cc(60)] Check failed: node_data.GetNameFrom() == ax::mojom::NameFrom::kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty (kAttribute vs. kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty) 0x55c6fb7c92d0: BookmarkButton is focusable but has no accessible name or placeholder, and is not explicitly marked as empty.

Hm, that's a new one.

Looks like upstream turned those assert crashes into debug statements in newer releases. Please try to following patch:


If that doesn't help, also try the following:


That second one adds a SkipAccessibilityPaintChecks setting which will skip that whole code block.

BrowserRootView -> NonClientView -> OpaqueBrowserFrameView -> BrowserView -> TopContainerView -> BookmarkBarView -> BookmarkButton
#0 0x55c6ef3a2d79 (/usr/lib/chromium/chromium+0x824bd78)
#39 0x55c6eaa1052a _start
  r8: 0000000000000000  r9: 00007fffbda69a50 r10: 0000000000000008 r11: 0000000000000246
 r12: 00000000000001d0 r13: 000055c6f8cc8480 r14: 000055c6f8cc8490 r15: 00007fffbda6a508
  di: 0000000000000002  si: 00007fffbda69a50  bp: 00007fffbda69ca0  bx: 00007f7cb6875540
  dx: 0000000000000000  ax: 0000000000000000  cx: 00007f7cbdfe6891  sp: 00007fffbda69a50
  ip: 00007f7cbdfe6891 efl: 0000000000000246 cgf: 002b000000000033 erf: 0000000000000000
 trp: 0000000000000000 msk: 0000000000000000 cr2: 0000000000000000
[end of stack trace]
[1]    3249439 IOT instruction (core dumped)  chromium

(It looks like it's not immediatly obvious how to start it under gdb, so
I'm not providing a nicer stack trace)

In general, you install the -dbgsym packages and run chromium -g

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