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Re: Bug#1014908: ITP: gender-guesser -- Guess the gender from first name


On Tue, 19 Jul 2022, at 16:57, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 01:48:17PM +0200, Andrej Shadura wrote:
>> Take Misha/Miša/Миша or Petya/Peťa/Петя.  In Russian tradition, these are
>> very likely masculine names, from Mikhail and Petr.

> If only this piece of software had a distinction between "almost always
> male", "leaning male", "neutral", "leaning female", "almost always
> female"...  Oh wait, it does!
> Precisely for the reason you mention.

No, it does not and cannot, since some names are almost always male in one culture but almost always female in another one.

>> And we haven’t yet touched the topic of people who were given non-traditional names.

> In which case it says "unknown".

No, it cannot know about cases when a person is given a name traditionally given to another gender in another culture. Pretty common in the US, for example. Sure, there probably aren’t many cases of women named Michael, but there are many other names where you wouldn’t be easily able to tell.



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