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Re: releasing major library change to unstable without coordination


Am 23.12.21 um 00:45 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> Is it normal and ok to upload a new major release of a library to 
> unstable, without either a) testing that reverse dependencies do not 
> break, or b) coordinating with maintainers of reverse dpendencies 
> _before_ such upload?

People are expected to do so (coordination/testing etc).

- Mistakes happen.


- Apparently some people forgot this and deliberately don't follow (and
I don't mean the can-happen accidents).

(In the speficic case I have in mind the maintainer just added a Breaks:
without telling anyone,

so "communicating" with d-d- c and/or failing autopkgtests..)

> Sure, accidents happen - but do the label "unstable" only mean that 
> accidents can happen or also that coordination/warning is optional?

I don't think it is.



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