Re: Pimp your shell - Debian developer tips?
Le mercredi 27 mai 2020 à 22:06 +0300, Otto Kekäläinen a écrit :
> Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with
> custom prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks,
> perhaps using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences,
> can you share some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have
> done?
I don't know where I got that one, but I have a "myautopkgtest" script
containing only:
autopkgtest $1 -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild
and in my .bashrc :
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -X '!*.dsc' -- $cur ) )
return 0
complete -F _myautopkgtest myautopkgtest
That's a pretty trivial hack, but it does save quite a few keystrokes,
when one checks a package before an upload.
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