Do we have Debian devs here who have pimped their shell heavily with custom prompts, colors, command line fonts, shell window title hacks, perhaps using zsh etc? Have you written blogs about you experiences, can you share some good reads (with screenshots) of what you have done?
I've read a bit on zsh and powerline and the like, but I am annoyed that all those blog posts are quite superficial and do not mention security, interoperability or performance aspects. Frankly any blog post that recommends cloning random repos or even worse, running wget | sh something gives me chills.
I'd very much want to read about some more knowledgeable experiences.
Some might react that bells and whistles is useless and real unix beards only run plain bash, but I think that good text prompts have a potential to increase productivity. And anyway I don't want those MacOS users to claim that their shells would be in any way better than what I can have in Debian ;)