Re: Heads up: persistent journal has been enabled in systemd
>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Steigerwald <> writes:
Martin> Well, that is *exactly* why I thought the GR is not going to
Martin> be helpful.
Martin> Cause in *no way* it appeared to have *solved* the conflict
Martin> underneath it.
No the GR did not somehow magically cause people to agree.
It did decide what Debian is going to do.
That's already had significant positive impacts even on this thread.
The systemd maintainers felt comfortable announcing the persistent
journal change and engaging in a discussion of whether syslogd should be
installed by default.
That is, we actually moved forward enough that the systemd maintainers
felt comfortable enough engaging with the community.
I've seen the same thing on a number of other fronts: people feel like
they have enough of an answer that they pull their heads out of the hole
they have been hiding in for years and *engage with the community*.
That's amazing; that's wonderful.
We actually did decide that we're focusing our default on systemd
systems for Debian.
Yes, we maintain the technologies to explore and build alternatives.
But in terms of defaults and where we focus our defaults, we actually
did decide.
If you find that Debian's focus is no longer aligned with yours, I wish
you the best.
If you still feel like you want to be involved in packaging, I hope you
do that.
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