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gbp-buildpackage showing change outside debian/, possibly after DEP-14 conversion


this has been bothering me for days and I can't find the reason. It is
probably something very trivial, but I don't get it. I have a
workaround, but I'd like to understand what went wrong here.

TL;DR: There is an unexplained linefeed difference in one file in the
orig.tar.xz2 generated by gbp that is only visible in one branch,
possibly after DEP-14 conversion, and only happens when using export=WC.

I use a pretty much standard (I think) development environment using
gbp-buildpackage and sbuild on my workstation tracking Buster. For years
I had this in my ~/.gbp.conf

export = WC
export-dir = ../build-area

this worked fine for all packages I'm (co)maintaining, I cannot recall
ever having issues with this. I like this setting because it allows me
to quickly testbuild a local change using my standard tooling without
committing it first.

I have also used this workflow for the last couple of src:bind9 uploads,
including the latest 1:9.11.5.P4+dfsg-1 . Up until a few days ago,
including my latest upload, the bind9 repository on salsa
(https://salsa.debian.org/dns-team/bind9) was in the default gbp layout.
Ondrej thankfully converted the repo into the DEP-14 layout by renaming
the branches, but afaics they are still the same commits. I cannot
easily check right now because the git checkout from before the
conversion is on a laptop I don't have with me at the moment. It COULD
be unrelated to the dep-14 conversion, but I think it's related.

This is where things get weird. When I clone the repo and try to build
the debian/buster branch, dpkg-source errors out about an unexpected
upstream change

berni@BOTOX:~/debian$ gbp clone git@salsa.debian.org:dns-team/bind9.git
gbp:info: Cloning from 'git@salsa.debian.org:dns-team/bind9.git'
berni@BOTOX:~/debian/bind9$ git checkout debian/buster
Branch 'debian/buster' folgt nun Remote-Branch 'debian/buster' von 'origin'.
Zu neuem Branch 'debian/buster' gewechselt
berni@BOTOX:~/debian/bind9$ gbp buildpackage --git-builder="sbuild
--source-only-changes "
gbp:info: Tarballs 'bind9_9.11.5.P4+dfsg.orig.tar.xz' not found at '../'
gbp:info: Exporting 'WC' to
gbp:info: Moving '/ssdpool/bulkhome/berni/debian/build-area/bind9-tmp'
to '/ssdpool/bulkhome/berni/debian/build-area/bind9-9.11.5.P4+dfsg'
gbp:info: Performing the build
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: applying 05_non-linux.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 07_multiarch.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 10_min-cache-ttl.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 25_library_paths.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 33_resource_missing_include.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 34_prepare_native_pkcs11.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 75_ctxstart_no_sighandling.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying 80_reproducible_build.diff
dpkg-source: info: applying Add_--install-layout=deb_to_setup.py_call.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying skip-rtld-deepbind-for-dyndb.diff
dh clean --with python3 --fail-missing --exclude=.la --exclude=lwresd
   debian/rules override_dh_auto_clean
make[1]: Entering directory
rm -rf bin/named-pkcs11
rm -rf bin/dnssec-pkcs11
rm -rf lib/isc-pkcs11
rm -rf lib/dns-pkcs11
if [ -f version.bak ]; then cp version.bak version; fi
dh_auto_clean -B build
dh_auto_clean -B build-udeb
make[1]: Leaving directory
   dh_autoreconf_clean -O--fail-missing -O--exclude=.la
-O--exclude=lwresd -O--exclude=__pycache__
   dh_clean -O--fail-missing -O--exclude=.la -O--exclude=lwresd
dpkg-source: info: using source format '3.0 (quilt)'
dpkg-source: info: building bind9 using existing
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:
dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source
dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see
E: Failed to package source directory
gbp:error: 'sbuild --source-only-changes ' failed: it exited with 1

The diff (attached) shows the single file
"contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw", which we definitely never
touch in Debian, being converted from "\n" to "\r\n" line terminators. I
don't get where this comes from.

There is no difference between the upstream tag being used to generate
the orig.tar.xz2 and the debian/buster branch, in both there are DOS
crlf endings

berni@BOTOX:~/debian/bind9$ git diff
berni@BOTOX:~/debian/bind9$ file contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw
contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw: ASCII text, with CRLF line

The file also has the same md5sum of course.

1e1ae7c74ba27f413309900c930aca61  contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw

However, in the generated tar.xz the file has "\n" line terminators and
thus a different md5sum (1e1ae7c74ba27f413309900c930aca61). The
generated orig.tar.xz2 has the same md5sum
(b59921f04a722b0a30fab88dcf256449) as the one currently in the archive.

bind-9.11.5-P4/contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw: ASCII text

Now comes the catch:

- if I remove export=WC, debian/buster branch builds fine, ALTHOUGH the
file is still different in the .orig.tar.xz and the md5sum matches the
one in the archive
- debian/master (9.11.6) builds fine with export=WC and without it

I have no idea where the line terminators difference in one single
branch in one single file that is never used in Debian builds comes
from. I don't think it's the pristine-tar data, when I remove the
generated orig.tar.xz and have it regenerated with --git-no-pristine-tar
it has a different md5sum (so pristine tar is apparently not used), but
the file in the archive still has a different linefeed than the one in
the git archive.

Help :-)

Description: <short summary of the patch>
 TODO: Put a short summary on the line above and replace this paragraph
 with a longer explanation of this change. Complete the meta-information
 with other relevant fields (see below for details). To make it easier, the
 information below has been extracted from the changelog. Adjust it or drop
 bind9 (1:9.11.5.P4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=high
   [ Bernhard Schmidt ]
   * New upstream version 9.11.5.P4+dfsg
     - CVE-2018-5744: A specially crafted packet can cause named to leak memory
     - CVE-2018-5745: An assertion failure can occur if a trust anchor rolls over
       to an unsupported key algorithm when using managed-keys
     - CVE-2019-6465: Controls for zone transfers might not be properly applied
       to Dynamically Loadable Zones (DLZs) if the zones are writable.
   * d/watch: Do not use beta or RC versions
   * d/libdns1104.symbols: fix symbols-file-contains-debian-revision for dnstap
   [ Ondřej Surý ]
   * Add new upstream GPG signing-key
Author: Bernhard Schmidt <berni@debian.org>

The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
checkout http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ to learn about the format. Here
are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:

Origin: <vendor|upstream|other>, <url of original patch>
Bug: <url in upstream bugtracker>
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/<bugnumber>
Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/<bugnumber>
Forwarded: <no|not-needed|url proving that it has been forwarded>
Reviewed-By: <name and email of someone who approved the patch>
Last-Update: 2019-03-11

--- bind9-9.11.5.P4+dfsg.orig/contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw
+++ bind9-9.11.5.P4+dfsg/contrib/dlz/example/win32/dxdriver.dsw
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
-Project: "dxdriver"=.\dxdriver.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
+Project: "dxdriver"=.\dxdriver.dsp - Package Owner=<4>

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