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Re: Git Packaging Round 2: When to Salsa

On 9/12/19 8:57 AM, Ansgar wrote:
I don't see much value in this requirement (besides additional work).
One should look at the repository anyway whan planning to do changes
(to match the existing style used); one would naturally see how files
are organized.  We already had tons of packages shipping a
README.source stating "this packages uses quilt, ..." before which I
also didn't find very valuable; this seems pretty similar.

Working with packages downstream it's nice to have that documented. E.g., needing to patch something for a weird site requirement, or backport a fix that isn't a big deal for anyone else (so likely wouldn't qualify for a stable update), etc. Not everyone who wants to modify a package is familiar with the multitude of ways of maintaining packages.

dgit makes this a lot better, though.

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