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Re: Git Packaging Round 2: When to Salsa

>>>>> "Bastian" == Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org> writes:

    Bastian> Hi Sam
    Bastian> On Sun, Sep 08, 2019 at 05:35:10PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
    >> The Salsa CA pipeline is recommended.

    Bastian> For this I need to use my veto as Salsa admin.  With the CI
    Bastian> people we have to work through too much problems first.

What I am hearing you say is that right now, as service admins, you
cannot support the CI pipeline being used that widely.  I confirm that's
absolutely a call you get to make as a service adminand that forms a
blocking objection to recommending that now.
I'll remove it from the next version.

Are there additional resources either the salsa admins or the salsa CI
team needs to move forward to a place where you'd both feel comfortable
recommending Salsa CI?

Beyond that though, I think the term "veto" here tends to shut down
discussion in a way that is not good for the project.

The people running the service absolutely do get to decide what work
they are willing to do.  Or to say that they would need additional
resources to do something.

But your message and a couple of messages from Alex have come across
like you're saying that service maintainers get to veto things the
project wants.
You don't.

The project gets to decide what it wants.  You as service maintainers
get to decide how much of that you're interested in doing.  You can say
things like "To do that we'd need these things."  You can ask for people
to help, equipment, etc.
Or you can say something like "Actually, that's just beyond what we're
interested in doing no matter what resources we had."  That's all fine.

But the discussion may not stop there.
Often it will.  Often people will understand your point or not care
enough and drop the issue.

But sometimes people will want to talk about whether there are different
ways of splitting responsibilities or create a new team or something
where they can get something they value while respecting what the
current service maintainers are willing to do.

I think it's fine for you to veto something today.  But I'd encourage
you to do that in a manner that does not shutdown discussion about the
future while still being firm about what part of that future you're
interested in bringing about.

Thanks again for letting us all know that the CI pipeline is not ready
for a global recommendation.


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