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Re: Introducing Debian Trends: historical graphs about Debian packaging practices, and "packages smells"

On 13/04/19 at 10:24 +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 4/13/19 10:20 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > Additionally (and much more controversially I guess :-) ) I also added
> > an analysis of "package smells"[3], such as "not using dh", "not using a
> > recent debhelper compat level", "not using a 3.0 source format", etc. I
> > understand that in some cases there might be good reasons to keep those
> > "smells", but I find it valuable to have them presented in a more
> > actionable way to fix the cases that should be fixed. So there's a list
> > of smells, sorted by maintainer/uploader [4].
> You should check if those issues present in unstable are not already
> fixed in experimental.

Yeah. Currently my code uses a partial mirror of snapshot.debian.org,
and I ran a custom lintian myself on 339491 source packages.

Ideally all the needed additional tags will be added to lintian, and
doing a more detailed and "real-time" analysis will be possible just by
looking at the lintian results on https://lintian.debian.org. (Once it's
available on lintian.d.o, it's easy to generate the DD list using UDD,
for example).


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