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[Prototype] DUPR 0.0c: Brand New Look and Feel

Hi list,

I'd like to present some significant changes to the DUPR prototype[1].

A helper library[4] has been added to automatically generate debian/* from
shell variables. The HFT[2] file or an auxiliary debian/ directory could
be used to override the default debian/* file templates.

Although my initial motivation didn't involve debian packaging
simplification, but I changed my mind ... And this simplification
approach seems not aggressive or radical at all.

After careful consideration, three versions of .durpkg templates are

  * the default template
  * the explict template doesn't generate debian/* files with the library
  * the headonly template is simply a standard shell script, without any HFT cruft

As a result, the .durpkg file could be re-written in a much more elegant
manner. Some examples:


The last example is the shortest yet complete one -- only 25 lines.

Everyone is welcome to Comment[6], Try[7], or Join[5] the DUPR.


[1] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit/releases/tag/0.0c
[2] Hatless Folded Text (HFT), single-file spec that many people dislike
[3] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit/tree/master/templates
[4] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit/tree/master/lib
[5] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit#contributing
[6] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit/issues/9
[7] https://github.com/dupr/duprkit#instructions

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