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Re: is Wayland/Weston mature enough to be the default desktop choice in Buster?

As a KDE user, I don't have much knowledge about GNOME.

But I remember at the Chinese user support channel, many people have problems with the default input method (fcitx) and GNOME. The answer is usually to ask them to switch to GNOME on Xorg.

Someone may argue that ibus(another input method) is ready for Wayland, but fcitx is far better than ibus (for Simplified Chinese), except it's not ready for Wayland.

This user case may be not enough to change the default choice of GNOME, but I think this should at least be in release notes.

// send from my mobile device

Jonathan Dowland <jmtd@debian.org> 于 2019年4月5日周五 23:12写道:
I was surprised to learn — by way of synaptic being autoremoved — that
the default desktop in Buster will be GNOME/Wayland. I personally do not
think that Wayland is a sensible choice for the default *yet*; and if
the consequence is that bugs for software that do not work properly with
Wayland have their severity inflated such that they are autoremoved (and
thus potentially removed entirely from Buster), a decision that — in
isolation — makes sense to me; although Synaptic is quite a high profile
package within Debian for this to happen.

I think the default should be reconsidered.


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Dowland
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://jmtd.net
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