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Running "mobius actioncam/dashcam" on debian "officially" - Creation of a necessary official debian-package?

Running "mobius actioncam/dashcam" on debian "officially" - Creation of a necessary official debian-package?

Exists some official driver/package, that makes mobius actioncam/dashcam
running on debian OS?

Without "Wine", "KVM", oder "Oracle Virtualbox", without "special codes"?

I want to use this camera in my car, but I can't change the settings
of that important camera-device on linux debian. There is just (a small) program for Windows-Operating-Systems ("*.exe") available.

I know: It is fault of the developer-team of mobius cameras (for missing software on Debian OS).

But I hope the debian-developers offer/create debian packages
for mobius-cameras on Linux anyway.

So that debian-users become the possibility in changing the camera-settings
on Linux-OS.

I think, as a result: Debian-OS becomes more attractive for moviemakers and movie-enthusiasts (especially for "car-dashcam-users", or
for those ones who use aircraft-models to make photos of landscapes from the bird's eye view).

Packages like ffdiaporama and python3-devede are much better
than Windows Movie Maker (cutting and creating videos from pictures and movie clips) and ConvertXtoDVD
(creating Video-DVD from movie-clip-sources, just available for Windows-OS).

Thanks for reading,

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