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Re: Let's start salvaging packages! -- let's start working on the text.

Dear -devel,

seems so as the discussion is more quiet than I've anticipated...
So as an optimist, I'm assuming this is because the proposal has
kind of rough consensus, so I will plan now for the next steps.

The discussion can and should of course continue, especially as it is
vacation time atm.

So the next steps:
 - Editing Platform: To enable collaboration on the text (I have been
   approached by people wanting to help writing it) I've set up a
   etherpad at [1].
 - As I'm in favour of enrico's idea to split the text into two parts:
   1) description of the salvaging process for dev-ref
   2) carving-out all the details to a wiki-page.
 - I try to reserve some time the next days for a very rough outline of
   the text, to provide further sparks to ignite the discussion.

[1] https://pad.riseup.net/p/debian-salvaging-packages-keep


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